Flash is software used to create animation.
usually used to create an effective learning animation.
Flash animation is one that is often used today, especially in the website. Excess flash include its function as an animation software that is quite comprehensive, and its small size. So many web designers make this flash-based animation, especially in interactive multimedia production.
In making an interactive multimedia in my opinion there are 3 important parts:
a. Content
b. Design
c. Animation
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In the development up to now, there are several techniques to create animation, namely:
1. Hand Drawn animation techniques
This is a classic animation technique that relies on his ability to make a picture frame per frame manually, whether it is a picture of the character, and background images drawn by hand. After that, the image foreground and background are stacked in a layering for later photographed one by one, to produce a complete animation. This technique is used by Walt Disney and Warner Bros. to the present, as seen in animated Lion King, Alladin, Beauty and the beast, etc., they have a scratch that was not done by computers.
2. Stop Motion animation techniques / Clay animation
Clay is another ebutan clay. Animation created by moving objects or dolls or models of elastic material made of clay / clay or synthetic clay. Object moved little by little and then taken one by one gamabrnya. Once edited and arranged, when executed film, will give effect as if the doll or the model move. Example animation using this technique is the Nightmare Before Christmas, and impressions MTV: Celebrity Death Match.
3. Animation techniques and Computer Hand Drawn.
In this technique, drawing rough sketches made by hand, then scanned and then given a color and finshing using computers.
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The use of animated films is not limited only to films for children or movie entertainment, but also used in various fields, because the other side the animation can explain something in detail or to convey information to the public. The following are examples of the use of animated films:
1. Animation ForensikAnimasi dibua to explain the accident, according to eyewitnesses, the data-dat vehicle testing results
2. Animation is digunakakn lo SimulasiAnimasi help illustrate the process of something that happened or what will be faced, or how something will happen.
3. ArsitekturPenggunaan animation for animation for architecture will help, for example, to describe both the structure of a building storey building from the beginning of planning, the development process to finish, and not only on the rise building, but also to show the interior with a variety of possible changes in color of the walls and equipment layout , also can show the form of slices and the necessary cross-section.
4. Animation for pendidikanBerguna to clarify the coordination of movement, where in a disclosed agency movement movement bones and certain joint and its relationship with muscle movement, which muscles are stretched and the muscles which pull the motion.
5. Animation for entertainment and this komersialSaat so many animated movies are made not only for children but also for the wider community can be created where karaker interesting character, each of which has its own character as if life is so, well to create illusions to reinforce the visualization of a scene, and is often used also for advertising purposes in televisis (Tv Commercial) (Kuswara, 2003:3).
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