Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Creating Animation Techniques

In the development up to now, there are several techniques to create animation, namely:

1. Hand Drawn animation techniques

This is a classic animation technique that relies on his ability to make a picture frame per frame manually, whether it is a picture of the character, and background images drawn by hand. After that, the image foreground and background are stacked in a layering for later photographed one by one, to produce a complete animation. This technique is used by Walt Disney and Warner Bros. to the present, as seen in animated Lion King, Alladin, Beauty and the beast, etc., they have a scratch that was not done by computers.

2. Stop Motion animation techniques / Clay animation

Clay is another ebutan clay. Animation created by moving objects or dolls or models of elastic material made of clay / clay or synthetic clay. Object moved little by little and then taken one by one gamabrnya. Once edited and arranged, when executed film, will give effect as if the doll or the model move. Example animation using this technique is the Nightmare Before Christmas, and impressions MTV: Celebrity Death Match.

3. Animation techniques and Computer Hand Drawn.

In this technique, drawing rough sketches made by hand, then scanned and then given a color and finshing using computers.
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The use of animation film

The use of animated films is not limited only to films for children or movie entertainment, but also used in various fields, because the other side the animation can explain something in detail or to convey information to the public. The following are examples of the use of animated films:

1. Animation ForensikAnimasi dibua to explain the accident, according to eyewitnesses, the data-dat vehicle testing results

2. Animation is digunakakn lo SimulasiAnimasi help illustrate the process of something that happened or what will be faced, or how something will happen.

3. ArsitekturPenggunaan animation for animation for architecture will help, for example, to describe both the structure of a building storey building from the beginning of planning, the development process to finish, and not only on the rise building, but also to show the interior with a variety of possible changes in color of the walls and equipment layout , also can show the form of slices and the necessary cross-section.

4. Animation for pendidikanBerguna to clarify the coordination of movement, where in a disclosed agency movement movement bones and certain joint and its relationship with muscle movement, which muscles are stretched and the muscles which pull the motion.

5. Animation for entertainment and this komersialSaat so many animated movies are made not only for children but also for the wider community can be created where karaker interesting character, each of which has its own character as if life is so, well to create illusions to reinforce the visualization of a scene, and is often used also for advertising purposes in televisis (Tv Commercial) (Kuswara, 2003:3).
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Animation Theory

Animation comes from the Latin, anima, meaning soul, life, life and spirit. Animation is a two-dimensional image as if moved. Animation is an art to manipulate the image to be as though alive and moving, which consists of 2-dimensional animation and 3 dimensional. 2D animation made it alive to use as paper or computer. 3D animation is an animation created using such a model derived from wax, clay, puppet / marionette, and using animation camera which can record frame by frame. When the drawings were projected sequentially and quickly, wax or clay or marionette puppets will be teihat like live and move. 3D animations can also be made by using a computer. Initially the process is to form a model, providing texture, color, until light. Then the model is given a frame, colors and light. Then the model is given a frame and individually designed gerakanya. The entire manufacturing process from beginning to end is done on computers. For example the movie Shrek or Final Fantasy.
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inventor animation

Animation begins with the contribution of the work of a man named Walt Disney who was born with the name of the alias walter disney, Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois with his parents called Elias and Flora Call Disney. In 1906, they all moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri, United States.

From this process it emerged that Mickey Mouse is the origin of the first animated cartoon ever made. Mickey beginnings were simple forms like this next picture. With a few mouse manipulation features such as built round the ear shape, eye shape made a big almost as big as his face, and a thin body shape attributes plus shorts that kept simple, making it easier for the production process. These forms have evolved over time into a form that is more detailed and varied in the outfit. In the first cartoon created this animation with no sound, only relying on the object movement alone, but the technology is growing and in the late 60's era cartoons eventually be filled with the sound.
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History of Animation

Animation is an art to make and mengerakkan an object, either 2-dimensional shape and 3-dimensional and is made using a variety of ways, such as using paper, computers and so forth. Animation is now a major industry that provides economic and social impact was so great that even a significance to the opinion of a country.

Animation begins with the contribution of the work of a man named Walt Disney who was born with the name of the alias walter disney, Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois with his parents called Elias and Flora Call Disney. In 1906, they all moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri, United States.

Walt's childhood was a hobby, drawing, especially cartoons, ranging from sketches to color cartoons. At one point started when walt teenager went home to visit his uncle, and a walk to look for something in his uncle's farm, there is found a lot of field mice that wander around. Seeing the number of these mice, a time inspired by the rats and the desire to appear to pour it into the form of imaginary cartoon, the cartoon sketching dicobalah coming from the object he saw a rat. The number that appears imagination to make the search process forms, how to describe the components of the mouse limb to make it look funny, interesting and not menjiijikan.
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Benefits Animation

Creators of ideas is vast, even infinite. But humans are constrained by means of

infrastructure, the weakness Fisk and many more obstacles that cause not all ideas can be realized by conventional cinematographic techniques. For example scenes story buildings collapse, the needle enters the scene, a scene into an ant hole, representing the eye of the camera being dropped from a cliff a cliff, too risky for the salvation of souls, and if enforced would take a huge cost to their acquisition technique. In this situation Images Animation (invention) is required.

Animated images are also needed to move the object that is not in the real world such as logos, writings and objects other modeling. Generally, four-legged animals. Animator can be granted if the owner wants ideas presented animals with foot-legged three or even two and a half. In short, animated images to overcome human limitations will object, movement or point of view.

There are also benefits to learning gambaranimasi. As quoted from Mr. Agus Suheri (Ashriesuci@yahoo.com):

Picture Animation currently widely used for various needs in a variety of activities ranging from leisure activities to serious, from the start as the main function to additional functions or decorations. Animation is built on the benefits as an intermediary or medium used for a variety of needs including:

• Media Entertainment

• Media Presentation

• Media Ads / Promos

Media Entertainment, animations are used to entertain the audience or users of these animations, giving you satisfaction. Animation as a medium of entertainment is usually worked out with the utmost seriousness because the products that have merchandise selling price. As the entertainment media, animation, worked as a project.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

animation from animator

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Animated photo

Animated photo in fhotoshop
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Physics Flash Animations

In physics teaching, the teachers would actually be very helpful with the CD learning animation and simulation of learning as a companion activity in laboratory practical work.

With animation and simulation, the students do not easily get tired because of the visual aspect. Consider the example view the following Flash animation.
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Animation XiaoXiao

This animation is famous for the sophistication of motion of the 2D images, very interesting to see. You can download this flash animation xiaosiao.
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Globe Animation

Sample Globe Animation
Globe flash animation is suitable for making the header template for your website or flash-based interactive multimedia.
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Sample design »Cartoon Animation (Flash)

animation design examples that have been completed.
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