Tuesday, January 12, 2010

inventor animation

Animation begins with the contribution of the work of a man named Walt Disney who was born with the name of the alias walter disney, Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois with his parents called Elias and Flora Call Disney. In 1906, they all moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri, United States.

From this process it emerged that Mickey Mouse is the origin of the first animated cartoon ever made. Mickey beginnings were simple forms like this next picture. With a few mouse manipulation features such as built round the ear shape, eye shape made a big almost as big as his face, and a thin body shape attributes plus shorts that kept simple, making it easier for the production process. These forms have evolved over time into a form that is more detailed and varied in the outfit. In the first cartoon created this animation with no sound, only relying on the object movement alone, but the technology is growing and in the late 60's era cartoons eventually be filled with the sound.


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