Tuesday, January 12, 2010

History of Animation

Animation is an art to make and mengerakkan an object, either 2-dimensional shape and 3-dimensional and is made using a variety of ways, such as using paper, computers and so forth. Animation is now a major industry that provides economic and social impact was so great that even a significance to the opinion of a country.

Animation begins with the contribution of the work of a man named Walt Disney who was born with the name of the alias walter disney, Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois with his parents called Elias and Flora Call Disney. In 1906, they all moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri, United States.

Walt's childhood was a hobby, drawing, especially cartoons, ranging from sketches to color cartoons. At one point started when walt teenager went home to visit his uncle, and a walk to look for something in his uncle's farm, there is found a lot of field mice that wander around. Seeing the number of these mice, a time inspired by the rats and the desire to appear to pour it into the form of imaginary cartoon, the cartoon sketching dicobalah coming from the object he saw a rat. The number that appears imagination to make the search process forms, how to describe the components of the mouse limb to make it look funny, interesting and not menjiijikan.


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